Sunday, May 8, 2011

Finding Your Google Page Rank

First...Find Your Google Page click on this link and following the instructions...

Then find out what the Ranking means...

You can check your google ranking by downloading the google toolbar, it has a ranking tool on it..... Etsy itself is only a 7. 10 is the highest, and only HIGH traffic sites like facebook and google are a 10. 80% of websites on the internet are a page rank 0, so having a page rank above 3 is rare. Unless you have hundreds of page views a day on flickr or thousands on facebook, I doubt that your page rank is that high.
favillephoto says Edited on May 8, 2011
For most small business endeavors, a PR2 or PR3 is about as much as you can ask for. You're actually doing well if you even have a page rank at all. No one actually knows google's algorithm exactly for calculating page rank. Heck, I don't even think most people at google even understand it, but from what most experts have determined, each level of page rank is exponentially harder to achieve than the last. So, it takes twice as much work to get from a 1 to a 2, as it did to get from 0 to 1, and it takes 4 times as much work to get from 2 to 3 as it did to get from 1 to 2, and so on and so forth. A great example is Etsy. The main page of Etsy itself is a PR7. And, you could imagine how many people know about Etsy and visit Etsy and link to Etsy and it's still far from the max of 10. So, if you're sitting at a 2 or 3, be happy with yourself. You're doing good work! That means that when someone does a google search with your keywords, you'll be listed before all of those 0s and 1s out there.

Then figure out how to raise that ranking....
If anyone is interested in RAISING their page rank, it's alot of work and takes time, but most of what determines page rank is your incoming links. What websites are linking to your website, or to your etsy store. You get some credit just based on the quantity of websites that link to you, but you get the MOST credit from having other higher page rank sites linking to you. One of the best ways to improve your page rank is to have a blog that is a higher page rank than you write a blog post about your company or store, and link to it. That will get alot of immediate traffic, but, you'll also permanently get credit for that link from that higher ranked site.


Janet said...

I'm a 2 on my Etsy site customsepia and 0 on my blog. Thought my blog would be higher than my shop since I post so often. Still trying to figure it out but thanks for the info!

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